The Canadian dollar exchange rate in the black market as of today is N1,155. If you are planning to change your CAD to naira in the black market or with aboki, you will receive N1,155 for each dollar.
As the name implies, the Canadian dollar (CAD) which is commonly known as the “loonie,” is the official currency of Canada. Canadian banknotes come in various denominations, including $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. It has a lower value than the American dollars when changing to naira.
How Much is 50 CAD To Naira in the Black Market Today?
We stated earlier that the exchange rate for one Canadian Dollar in the black market today is N1,155. This means that if you want to get the rate for 50 CAD, you have to multiply the rate for a single dollar in fifty places. This will give you N57,750 (Fifty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty naira).
The exchange rate for 100 Canadian Dollars is N115,500 in the black market today. Remember, these rates only apply if you are exchanging single notes. If you are exchanging smaller denominations like twenties, fives, or tens, you will get a slightly lower rate than what is stated here.
You may wonder why. This is because handling fees apply and larger denominations are more sought-after than the smaller notes. Scroll below to see the conversion table for Canadian Dollars to Naira black market.
Canadian Dollar to Naira Black Market Today
Want to exchange your Canadian Dollar at the Bureau De Change? Here is a detailed explanation how much you are likely to receive for each of your dollars.
CAD | Black Market |
1 CAD | 1,155 |
5 CAD | 5,775 |
10 CAD | 11,550 |
20 CAD | 23,100 |
50 CAD | N57,750 |
100 CAD | N115,500 |
200 CAD | 231,000 |
300 CAD | 346,500 |
400 CAD | 462,000 |
500 CAD | 577,500 |
600 CAD | 693,000 |
800 CAD | 924,000 |
1000 CAD | 1,155,000 |
5000 CAD | 5,775,000 |
10000 CAD | 11,550,000 |
As we always say “Today’s rate is not tomorrow’s rate” This means that you should always check the current exchange rate before exchanging your dollars as the rates may change more than once in one day.
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